Duckfight (Everyone is Home)

3 November 2021


Alernative title: Duck Hunt Dunk

Defibrillamon (Everyone is Home)

24 November 2021



Psalm 493 (Everyone is Home)

1 December 2021


Oh no, not a single revive today! But now that there’s a literal god on the team we can probably get see some results very soon.

Shine On You Brilliant Diamond (Everyone is Home)

8 December 2021


Legendaries everywhere!

Hylian Invasion (Everyone is Home)

15 December 2021


It took a while, but we finally got our Champion back!

Kalos Christmas (Everyone is Home)

23 December 2021


Happy holidays everyone! Also, little PSA: I’m taking a week off next week. I had a regular week of content planned but Mink got sick and I had some unforeseen personal stuff to deal with so it has become impossible to finish it all on time. First week of January will be shitpost week, but… Continue reading Kalos Christmas (Everyone is Home)